Connect and live your best life.
You can't control life but you can control your response.
Bring your A-game
every day.
Better skin, better sleep,
yes please.
Train like an astronaut.
Our simple mind-body training of scientifically-backed techniques is used by astronauts and olympians to reduce stress and improve performance.

Our Power Up provides an instant dose of help when life throws something your way!

Our unique solution uses peer-reviewed evidence-based techniques used by NASA.

Backed by Science
Simply follow with the recordings and let your brain & body make the connection. No focus needed.

Easy to Implement
Sessions are under 8 minutes so you can fit it into your morning, afternoon, or evening routine.

Quick Sessions
Our app encourages daily use which provides the best outcomes for your mind & body.

Our simple and validated tool will help track and monitor your progress.
Stress Tracking

Trusted by

Joystik FAQ's
Joystik is a new kind of mind-body tool that combines the scientifically-backed techniques of autogenics, classical conditioning, and passive concentration. But what exactly does all that mean?

I've tried meditation a few times before, but I had a hard time sticking with it. Joystik isn't like the other apps, rather it's easy to use and, more importantly, easy to keep using.

Tim F.

Joystik has been such a great add to my weekly schedule. I've used it in the mornings before I start to get ready for work. It helps me balance and be ready to start the day, even if it's at 5AM. The tools and resources are even more beneficial when the sessions are short!

Mara D.
I've tried meditation a few times before, but I had a hard time sticking with it. Joystik isn't like the other apps, rather it's easy to use and, more importantly, easy to keep using.

Tim F.
Joystik has been such a great add to my weekly schedule. I've used it in the mornings before I start to get ready for work. It helps me balance and be ready to start the day, even if it's at 5AM. The tools and resources are even more beneficial when the sessions are short!